Revealed, Key to Success in India’s GDP Reaching the Highest in Asia


In 2023 India will continue to achieve high economic growth rates. In the second quarter (Q2) of this year alone New Delhi recorded economic growth of up to 7.8%.

The Indian Ambassador to Indonesia, Shri Sandeep Chakravorty, also shared India’s recipe for success in recording high growth. According to him, this is the result of old policies that the country has taken.

“And over the years, certain policies have been implemented in the development of our infrastructure, large investments in the fields of roads, railways, air, civil aviation and infrastructure. All of this has now started to bear fruit,” he explained in an interview with CNBC Indonesia , Tuesday (19/9/2023).

Shri Sandeep continued that India currently continues to pursue high economic growth by continuing to strengthen the manufacturing sector. However, to support this, Delhi is working on several social and educational projects so that human quality can improve.

“And more importantly, there’s a big focus on our social sector, you know, we want to, you know, in dealing with people who are below the poverty line, making a home for everyone, ellipticality for every home, water for every houses, and toilets in every house.”

“1.1 billion Indians have access to the internet, 500 million accounts have been opened in the last few years,” he added.

Furthermore, he said that currently the results of the development of these programs have been compiled with incentives that attract investor interest. This then has an impact on India’s manufacturing ability to produce high-tech objects.

“Goods such as the iPhone which were previously imported, are now made in India. The latest iPhone that has been launched. You definitely know that it has been launched with an Indian product. A considerable transformation has occurred in the character of the Indian economy,” he concluded.

Source : CNBC