China-central Asia Summit | Pakistani Experts: “the Belt and Road Initiative” Draws a New Vision for Asia_hangzhou Net

International Online Report (Reporter Huang Rong Shi Heyi): The China-Central Asia Summit will be held soon, and international online reporters will interview experts and scholars from various fields around the world on topics related to the summit and cooperation and development in the Asian region. Naseem Khan Achakza, Advisor to the Speaker of the Balochistan Provincial Parliament in Pakistan, pointed out in an interview that China‘s joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative has achieved fruitful results in the past ten years, promoting China‘s cooperation with Central Asia, South Asia, etc. The region has achieved close cooperation and drawn up a new vision for Asia. He expressed high expectations for the upcoming China-Central Asia Summit, and believed that the outcome of the summit would play a positive role in the development of the entire Asian region.

Naseem Khan Achakza, Advisor to the Speaker of the Balochistan Provincial Assembly, Pakistan

The “Belt and Road” initiative paints a new vision for Asia

Naseem Khan Achakza said that the “Belt and Road” initiative has created remarkable achievements in just ten years, and the circle of friends in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” has expanded and brought more benefits to countries along the route. Vigorous development opportunities draw a new vision for Asia. Taking the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as an example, he pointed out that as a landmark project of the “Belt and Road” construction, it not only helped Pakistan improve its infrastructure conditions and industrial conditions such as port logistics, but also brought huge economic benefits to Pakistan and further helped Economic and trade exchanges and people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries. Naseem Khan Achakza praised, “China has built a world-class port group. China has advanced technology in infrastructure construction such as ports and roads, and has accumulated rich experience, which is worthy of emulation by other countries.”

He emphasized that China is the world‘s second largest economy, and its importance to its Asian neighbors is self-evident. China has made unprecedented important contributions to the development of Central Asia and South Asia. The close partnership between China and Asian countries has made many Western countries jealous. Some Western countries have been trying to find alternatives to the “Belt and Road” initiative. plans, and spread negative rumors in order to compete for regional interests, but none of these can cover up China‘s real contribution to the development of the Asian region.

Naseem Khan Achakza mentioned that in the fifth China-Arabia-Pakistan Tripartite Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue held not long ago, the three parties reached a consensus and reiterated that they will promote China-Arabia-Pakistan trilateral cooperation under the framework of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. Promote the extension of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to Afghanistan. Naseem Khan Achakza believes that this will further enhance the connectivity of the Asian region.

He told reporters that he was very much looking forward to the upcoming China-Central Asia Summit in Xi’an, and he believed that the outcome of the summit would play a positive role in the economic development, peace and stability of the entire Asian region.

The Belt and Road Initiative Provides Development Opportunities for Central and South Asia

Naseem Khan Achakza spoke highly of China‘s development achievements and development path. He said, “Chinese-style modernization is advancing at ‘Chinese speed’, and the Chinese government has demonstrated excellent execution capabilities for any strategic plan. In China Under the leadership of the Communist Party, China has created one achievement after another that has attracted the attention of the world.” He noticed that in China, all walks of life are actively promoting “high-quality development.” “We used to think that high-quality standards belonged to the West. , but we cannot ignore China’s requirements for high-quality development in recent years. China’s achievements in aerospace, automobile and other high-tech industries have attracted worldwide attention. Nowadays, when we mention the high-quality standards of these industries, we will naturally look to China.” .

Naseem Khan Achakza pointed out that as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor extends to Afghanistan, it will connect Central Asia and South Asia, which will have greater strategic significance and influence. China‘s efforts to promote high-quality development will boost the high-quality construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, thereby providing more development opportunities for Central Asia and South Asia.

Source: Breaking Latest News

Belt and RoadCentral AsiaChinaInitiativePakistanSummit